
EcoFishMan meets with stakeholders in Copenhagen

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Matís manages the European project EcoFishMan, which aims to develop new methodologies that will be useful in reforming the European Union's fisheries management system.

The project is interdisciplinary and uses information on the ecological, social, economic and managerial aspects of fisheries management, but the aim of the project is to enable people to assess and respond to the aforementioned aspects in the implementation of fisheries management. Great emphasis is placed on collaboration with stakeholders at all stages of the project, and as part of that process, participants in the project met with stakeholders from fisheries, processing, research institutes, consumer organizations and environmental organizations across Europe on 8 September. The meeting took place in Copenhagen and the project was presented to the stakeholders and a contribution from them was sought for further work. EcoFishMan participants gave a talk to explain the various aspects of the project and then there was a discussion about the talk. In EcoFisMan, four different fishing systems will be used as case studies in the development of the system, ie. Icelandic demersal fisheries, Portuguese bottom trawling for crustaceans, demersal trawling in the North Sea and demersal trawling in the Mediterranean. 

Further information about the project can be found on Matís' website (EcoFishMan) and on the project's website, EU_EcoFishMan.