
Do not catch what you do not want and make the most of what you catch!

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The inaugural meeting in the Icelandic part of the DiscardLess project took place at Matís last week. week, but the project aims to increase the full utilization of all catches caught within European countries and is managed by DTU in Denmark. The information and technology that comes out of the project will also be usable in other countries, as it is to everyone's benefit that seafood that is not requested or is not used is either not provided or fully utilized for increased value creation.

The big issue is not to catch seafood that is not used for value creation and thus it is possible to reduce the waste of a limited resource. But sometimes it happens that unwanted catch is caught and bycatch is a clear example of this. It is therefore important to ensure that such power is utilized as much as possible. In addition, it must not be forgotten that it is important to make full use of the catch we want to land so that as much value as possible is created from each kg of seafood caught. Icelanders have done particularly well in the full utilization of various fish species, especially cod.

More about DiscardLess can be found in the brochure about the project as well as on CORDIS page of the project. Matís' contact with the project is Jónas R. Viðarsson and he provides all the details of this interesting and timely project.