
There is no dispute in the Nordic countries about this mackerel

Service Category:


Now there is a new Nordic competition in small-scale food production which was held in Östersund in Sweden. About 600 products in various categories were entered into the competition.

Of the 40 awards given, Icelandic producers won three awards. The bronze went to Klaus Kretzer from Skaftafell for Jöklabit, a beer sausage made from mutton. Klaus also received a silver award for Hnjúkur, which is dry-smoked and smoked sheep's back muscle.

The best product in the category of smoked fish, which won the gold award, was smoked mackerel from Sólsker in Hornafjörður. All of these products have been developed in Matís food factories which once again demonstrates the importance of enabling entrepreneurs and small producers in food crafts to take their first steps in the most efficient and secure way that can, if successful, lead to more job opportunities and a wider range of products.

The competition is discussed in more detail Ny Nordisk Mat website and Eldrimner's website.

Klaus Kretzer's website.

For further information, please contact Gunnþórunn Einarsdóttir, (858-5049) and Óli Þór Hilmarsson (858-5099).