
Is it possible to reduce waste in the production and distribution of food?

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Matís employee, Þóra Valsdóttir, will give a talk on this topic at an open meeting tomorrow, Thursday 24 September at 15-17 at the Grand Hotel.

The annual turnover in the meat industry in Iceland is estimated at ISK 25 billion. It is estimated that at least 5% or 1250 million will be lost due to shrinkage that occurs before the product reaches the consumer. Therefore, there is a lot of work to be done if this shrinkage can be reduced.
What can be done to reduce waste in food production and distribution? What does improved treatment and information flow between parties in the value chain yield?

The Confederation of Icelandic Industries, Tækniþróunarsjóður, Norðlenska, Sláturfélag Suðurlands, Kaupás, AGR, Matís and Rannsóknarsetur verslunarinn, call for an open meeting where the results of a development project on this subject will be presented, where the meat industry was taken as an example. The results can be applied to other sectors of the food industry.

Location: The center, Grand Hotel Reykjavík
 Thursday 24 September at 15-17


  1. Benefits of improved food handling and knowledge of food. Þóra Valsdóttir, food scientist, Matís.
  2. Use of information systems to improve production management and reduce inventory costs. Einar Karl Þórhallsson and Hlynur Stefánsson, AGR engineers.
  3. Product management of fresh food - precedent and experience. Emil B. Karlsson, director of the Research Center of the store.
  4. General discussion.

Moderator: Davíð Lúðvíksson, Director of Policy and Innovation, SI.

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