
Travel snack made from pork

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Petrína Þórunn Jónsdóttir, who lives in Laxárdalur in Skeiða- and Gnúpverjahreppur, is working on interesting projects in the facilities of the Matís food factory in Flúðir, where she processes products in connection with the pig farm in Laxárdalur.

"I'm trying to dry pork, backbone bacon, liver chowder and buffalo cakes. Dried pork is made from the best muscle from the pork. All visible fat is cut away, then the meat is minced, seasoned and dried. The goal is to create a kind of travel snack, the meat is not a refrigerated product and the shelf life should be several months. Liver choking is performed in the traditional way. Spine bacon is less fat, only a thin strip of fat on the meat that can be taken away and it is sliced into much thicker slices than people are used to here. The pork buffets are ready for the grill or the pan, I use Icelandic herbs in them. The reason why these are such different breeds that I have is that I can make products from all the pigs, "said Petrína. She says she is very happy with the facilities at Flúðir, but Vilberg Tryggvason, station manager, introduced her to Óli Þór Hilmarsson, a meat industry master, and he has guided her with deboning and processing methods.

For further information Vilberg Tryggvason at Matís.

The above news first appeared on, Fréttablaði Suðurlands.