
Fish market for the general public

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An interesting summary has been presented about the possibilities of a fish market for the general public, where visitors and pedestrians can get to know the inexhaustible possibilities of Icelandic seafood and get acquainted with the products and buy exciting ingredients for cooking.

Why is it not common in this country for the public to be able to buy fresh fish on the quayside or at the fish market? Iceland is known for its great and good fishing grounds and fish products of high quality. Why not make more of an experience related to the fish, both for Icelanders and for tourists? Many people are interested in the idea of a fish market, but for some reason it has not been implemented.

The AVS project "Fish Market for the Public" is now complete. The project was about exploring the basis for establishing fish markets in Iceland for the general public and tourists. Proposals were also made on how to handle such a market. The main purpose was to encourage the establishment of (retail) fish markets around the country and thereby strengthen the connection between consumers and seafood. There has been a lot of interest in the project and everything points to such a market being established in Reykjavík soon.

These proposals review the state of fish markets in Iceland and what "retail fish markets" can offer. Examples of fish markets abroad are taken, various ways of setting up a retail fish market are reviewed, and the main steps that need to be kept in mind when setting out are reviewed. Finally, an example is taken of the process of original idea work for the establishment of a retail fish market in Reykjavík.

The authors hope that this summary will spark interest in and contribute to the establishment of fish markets for the general public across the country.

Project reports: Proposals for the establishment of a retail fish market in Iceland.

Further information about the project can be obtained from Þóra Valsdóttir, Matís ohf.