
Floating docks moor securely, without divers, down to a depth of up to 100 meters

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Króli ehf Fjallabyggð recently formally handed over a new floating pier in Innri Höfn in Siglufjörður. This is the first floating pier from Króli ehf., Where a propeller anchor developed by Hafbor ehf. Is used to attach the pier to the seabed. This is a collaboration between Króli, Hafbor, Rannís and Matís.

On that occasion, an agreement was signed between Hafbor ehf.

KRÓLI ehf, which is owned by Kristján Óli Hjaltason, has in recent years built up specialized services with concrete floating piers and equipment for Icelandic ports, but with the first piers there were units that have served the people of Siglfjörður for well over 20 years. The floating docks are Swedish design, but 2 years ago an agreement was signed with the unit's designer to start production in Iceland. The production is in the hands of Loftorka in Borgarnes ehf, where everything meets the quality requirements of SF Marina AB in Sweden, which has been one of the leading wharf manufacturers in the world. Siglufjarðarhöfn is the first buyer of concrete 12 meter fingers, which is a novelty in mooring at floating piers, but the fingers are suitable for mooring large covered boats that call for more space at piers.

Hafbor ehf in Siglufjörður, which is owned by Erling Jónsson, Hilmar Erlingsson and Gunnar Júlíusson, has for the past three years designed, developed and tested equipment that attaches screw anchors to the seabed with new technology in collaboration with Matís, Rannís and others. The technology makes it possible to install powerful anchors in the seabed without divers at depths of up to 100 meters. The technology is aimed at use for mussel farming and aquaculture at great depths, but is also useful in various other situations and uses where parts need to be attached to the seabed.

The agreement grants Króli ehf a license to market Hafbor's technical solutions through the international network of SF Marina AB and Seaflex AB, but these parties have already expressed their interest and expectations for the new equipment and it is expected that this agreement will strengthen domestic production and knowledge.

Hafbor ehf will focus on marketing to aquaculture of all types and it is worth mentioning that negotiations are currently in the final stages with KZO Seafarms and Catalina Seafarms in California for the installation of the first mussels and oyster farm in the USA located outside the 3 mile state jurisdiction, in federal waters. eight miles from Los Angeles. The aim is to sign agreements in the coming weeks and for construction to begin in early January 2013. Mussel farming KZO and Catalina Seafarms will be under the strict supervision of scientists in the coming years and high demands will be made on all equipment used in the area. The first phase involves the installation of 90 mussel lines in two areas, and if a permit is obtained, the aim is to increase the number of lines tenfold over the next five to six years.

The managing director of Hafbor ehf is Ingvar Erlingsson and the company is based at Gránugata 5 in Siglufjörður.

For further information, contact Matís Gunnar Þórðarson station manager in Ísafjörður.