
President of a leading institution in Europe in the field of food risk assessment visiting Iceland

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Dr. Andreas Hensel, President of the BfR (Federal Institute for Risk Assessment), recently visited Iceland, but BfR is one of the most powerful institutions in Europe in the field of risk assessment and food safety.

The purpose of Dr. Hensel to Iceland was, among other things, signing co-operation agreements on behalf of BfR with Matís on the one hand and Matvælastofnun on the other. At the same time, the co-operation agreement between Matís and Matvælastofnun was renewed.

Dr. Andreas presented the role and work of BfR to the Minister of Fisheries and Agriculture and the employees of Matís and the Food Administration. It was very interesting to hear how BfR performs its role for the German state in risk assessment and food security and much that Icelanders can learn from the German approach in these areas.

BfR employs an average of 750-800 people and the role of the agency is, among other things, risk assessment with regard to human health, food safety, genetically modified food and more.

BfR bore the brunt of the response to the so-called EHEC infection in the past. year but the infection was caused by E.coli and was initially thought to originate in cucumbers. It was later revealed, with the help of BfR, that the origin was in bean sprouts. Thousands of people became seriously ill from the infection. 

Cooperation with BfR and access to the institution's expertise in the field of risk assessment are very important for Matís' operations. One of Matís' defined roles is to promote improved food safety, but Matís has to appoint staff with expertise in the field, including risk assessment, foodborne infections and foodborne illness.

The following picture is from the signing of a partnership agreement.

SLR Matis BfR MAST deal
Sigurgeir Þorgeirsson, Minister of Fisheries and Agriculture, dr. Sveinn Margeirsson, CEO of Matís, dr. Andreas Hensel, president of BfR and Jón Gíslason, director of the Food Administration.

For further information Sveinn Margeirsson CEO of Matís.