
Press release from Matís ohf.

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Sjöfn Sigurgísladóttir has been appointed CEO of Matís ohf. but it is the new company that will be created by merging IFL, RUST and Matvælarannsóknir in Keldnaholt. The new company issued the following press release this morning:

Dr. Sjöfn Sigurgísladóttir has been appointed CEO of the newly established company Matís ohf. from 1 January 2007, when the company's actual operations begin. Sjöfn has been the director of the Fisheries Research Institute since 2002, but before that she worked in the field of food safety at the Health Protection Agency (now the Environment Agency) and in research and development at the Institute of Technology in collaboration with the food industry. Sjöfn has also served on committees and confidential positions in this field in recent years, both domestically and abroad. She is 43 years old.

Matís ohf. is a public limited company established by Act no. 68/2006 on 3 June last. for the purpose of merging public food research into one company. The operations of three institutions / units will be merged into one company, Matís ohf. from 1 January 2007, i.e. from the Fisheries Research Institute, RUST (the Environment Agency's research institute) and Matvælarannsóknir á Keldnaholt (collaboration between the Agricultural University and the Institute of Technology.   

Matís ohf. will have its operations in several places in the country, but with headquarters in Reykjavík. Division of Matís ohf. is primarily responsible for research and innovation in the field of food for the benefit of the economy, public health and food security.

All employees of the three units are offered a job at Matís ohf.

For further information, please contact Friðrik Friðriksson, Chairman of the Board, at 896 7350.