
Companies in Australia use research from IFL to advertise their products

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A company in Australia has relied on the results of an IFL scientific article to advertise the equipment it manufactures. The main author of the article, which was recently published in the scientific journal Journal of Microbiological Methods, is Eyjólfur Reynisson, a biologist at IFL.

The Australian company is called Corbett Research and manufactures devices, tools and substrates for real-time PCR. They produce, among other things, Rotorgene3000, which is a real-time PCR device, but it was used in the study that IFL published this year. The study found that with their devices, the sensitivity of the analytical method had been highest compared to two other systems that were also tested.

The article in question is called Evaluation of probe chemistries and platforms to improve the detection limit of real-time PCR and Eyjólfur Reynisson is its main author. Other authors are MH Josefsen, M. Krause and J. Hoorfar.

Those who are interested in reading the article can go on Eyjólfur's CV page.