
Do you have a food idea in your stomach? - let's take the fight with you

Service Category:


Welcome to a workshop at Matís where we will go through the practical aspects of food product development and how well-organized food design can make a product unique and desirable.

All ideas where food is the main topic are welcome. This can be about production, service or food experience. This time we are particularly interested in seafood-related ingredients, but of course everyone with good food ideas is welcome.

The moderators of the workshop are: Guðjón Þorkelsson food scientist, Óli Þór Hilmarsson
meat industry master and food designers Brynhildur Pálsdóttir and Kristín María Sigþórsdóttir.
At the end of the workshop, participants are available to apply for support to continue working on their idea and 4-6 ideas will be selected.

The support is worth 1 for each project and that support involves help from Matís' experts and food designers Brynhildur and Kristín María.

The aim should be for the projects to be off the drawing board and in production or final preparation for
November 1, 2016.

Notification of participation will be sent to the e-mail address

It is necessary that the name of the idea and a very short description of the project appear together with the full name of the participant (s).

The workshop will be on May 26 at 10 to 14 in Matís' premises at Vínlandsleið 12, 113 Reykjavík.

Light lunch offered by Matís.
