
Have you tasted the whey drink?

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Rannís Science Week will take place in Háskólabíó on Friday 27 September. A selection of exciting research projects will be presented at the Science Week this year, as in recent years.

You will be offered a taste of the whey drink Íslandus, but the whey ice cream Íslandus, on which the drink is based, was chosen as the most environmentally friendly and promising innovation idea in Iceland in the food field in a student competition that was held recently. Mysuklakinn has a direct reference to Sölvi Helgason's life and Iceland 100% is natural and organic.

Elín Agla Briem and Sigríður Anna Ásgeirsdóttir, students in environmental and resource science at the University of Iceland, are the authors of Íslandus. The authors emphasized the improved utilization of products, the imaginative use of local raw materials and environmentally friendly production methods in the creation of the ice. Kjartan Þór Trauner, a student at the Iceland Academy of the Arts, was in charge of the product design.

Iceland was Iceland's contribution to the European EcoTrophelia 2012 competition, where ecological ideas from various European countries competed with each other.

Further information about Vísindavökan and Vísindakaffi, which will take place throughout the week, can be found on Rannís' website,

For further information Steinar B. Aðalbjörnsson, marketing director of Matís.