
Bacteria that are harmful to health are hidden in many places

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Did you know that water spray can harbor Legionella bacteria, which are responsible for causing Mumps? This is uncommon in Iceland, however, as Matís has now begun measurements for Legionella bacterial infections.

In the field of Measurement and Dissemination, new measurements of Legionella bacteria in water have begun. The bacterium is transmitted by a very fine suspension from water pipes or water tanks into people's lungs and can cause serious diseases such as Hermann's disease. Cases of airborne vaporization are known from steam and humidity sources in vegetable tables in supermarkets or from hot tubs, but infections most often occur in warmer climates where cooling towers and air conditioning are widespread. In Iceland, one to ten cases of Legionella infection per year have been diagnosed, either of domestic origin or after staying in hotels abroad, but by law Legionella infection is a notifiable disease to the Directorate of Health and if infection is suspected, the risk of infection and origin must be investigated by sampling.

In Iceland, there is a generally low risk of the bacterium spreading, as there is little accumulation of water in tanks. Where this happens, however, it is important to take care of hygiene and clean the tanks regularly.