
Visit from the Research Executive Agency

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Dr. Agne Dobranskyte-Niskota, Research Program Officer, and Sophie Doremus, a lawyer, both from the European Union's Research Executive Agency (REA), visited Matís on 7 September.

The purpose of the visit was to monitor the progress of two Individual Fellowships covered by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Program (MSCA), which are currently underway at Matís. The two projects are on the one hand the projects of Dr. Ásta HE Pétursdóttir called Cross-section of seaweed (SilhouetteOfSeaweed, project no. 656596) and on the other hand the project Dr. Gregory K. Farrant named AstroLakes (project no. 704956).

The day began with a lecture by Dr. Agne Dobranskyte-Niskota and Sophie Doremus, who presented both the REA and MSCA programs. Dr. Helga Gunnlaugsdóttir then gave a lecture and introduced Matís' activities. Ásta and Gregory then introduced themselves and their projects, and then chatted with guests from REA in one-on-one interviews. The day ended with the guests inspecting all of Matís' facilities.