
UI and Matís join forces to strengthen education in the field of food research and food safety - University of Iceland and Matís ohf. enter into a co-operation agreement

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University of Iceland and Matís ohf. made an agreement today on extensive collaboration in the field of teaching and research. Kristín Ingólfsdóttir, Rector of the University of Iceland and Sveinn Margeirsson, CEO of Matís, signed the agreement.

The agreement lays the foundation for further strengthening of theoretical and practical education in the field of food research and food safety, as well as co-operation in other areas of teaching and research. The agreement is an important step in the formal collaboration of Matís ohf. and the University of Iceland on the sharing of resources, research infrastructure and human resources. It includes the intention to be at the forefront of the fields of study covered by the agreement.

At the signing of an agreement at Matís' premises this morning
Friðrik Friðriksson, Chairman of the Board of Matís, Sigurður Ingi Jóhannsson, Minister of Fisheries and Agriculture, Sveinn Margeirsson, CEO of Matís, Kristín Ingólfsdóttir, Rector of the University of Iceland, Illugi Gunnarsson, Minister of Education and Culture and Inga Þórsdóttir, President of the University of Iceland School of Health Sciences.

At the same time, a special agreement was made between the Faculty of Food and Nutrition at the University of Iceland and Matís on collaboration in teaching and research.

The University of Iceland and Matís have had a successful collaboration for a long time on teaching, but Matís employees have traditionally taught at the University of Iceland and will continue to do so. Both parties have built up extensive knowledge in food science, biotechnology, genetics and other disciplines. For example, employees who work at both Matís and the University of Iceland have published almost 90 scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals in the past. three years and during the same period, 10 students have defended their doctoral dissertations and 15 master's students graduate where the projects have been carried out in collaboration between Matís and the University of Iceland. Today, eight doctoral students and 19 master's students at the University of Iceland are working on their research projects with Matís. In addition, Matís and UI have applied for and are together in several international projects.

It is important to share this knowledge in connection with innovation and increased value creation in food production in Iceland.

Matís is a leader in Iceland in research in the field of food production and food safety. Matís' policy is to strengthen the competitiveness of Icelandic products and the economy, improve public health, ensure food security and sustainable use of the environment through research, innovation and services in the fields of food, biotechnology and genetic engineering. In order to implement its policy, it is necessary for Matís to work in collaboration with the University of Iceland on teaching and training students.

The University of Iceland has formulated a strategy for the year 2016, where emphasis is placed on doctoral studies, excellent research and teaching, as well as emphasis on collaboration with institutions and companies such as Matís ohf. The University of Iceland conducts extensive research and teaching in the fields of study that Matís ohf. deals with, especially at the level of the school's health sciences, engineering and natural sciences.

The main points of the agreement between the University of Iceland and Matís ohf. are:

  • Strengthen the theoretical and practical education of university students in the fields covered by the agreement.
  • Increase research in the fields of food science, food engineering, biotechnology and food safety and also be at the forefront of innovation in these fields.
  • Be a leader in selected fields of expertise and have a professional uniqueness in order to attract students and scholars on an international level.
  • Ensure that the quality of the research of the Parties is comparable to that of the best in the international arena.
  • Utilize opportunities for joint venture of equipment for the benefit of joint projects.
  • Increase the number of undergraduate and graduate students in the fields of study of the agreement.

In addition, the parties will seek to link the activities of the Institute of Research Centers at the University of Iceland and the offices of Matís ohf. outside Reykjavík.

Further information is provided by Kristín Ingólfsdóttir, Rector of the University of Iceland and Sveinn Margeirsson, CEO of Matís.