
Thinking people eat healthy

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The thoughtful people of the future eat healthy, do not smoke and are well paid, according to an interview with Ragnar Jóhannsson, division manager at Matís, in Morgunblaðið. He says that this is an ever-expanding market that is worth exploring.

It says that the commercial products are fragile and have a limited shelf life, such as fish and vegetables that often have to be transported long distances. "The food of the future for thinking people will increasingly revolve around both healthy and fresh, since healthy food is also the freshest available. This is a food that contains phospholipids with a high proportion of omega-3 fatty acids as well as antioxidants, which come naturally to them. Examples of this are fish and vegetables. However, these food products are usually fragile and have a limited shelf life," says Ragnar.Well-educated people with a lot of money

It is also stated that the life expectancy of Europeans is increasing, although the probability of a healthy life has not grown as fast. "A growing proportion of Europeans are therefore well-educated people with ample financial resources and that is exactly the thinking market of the future. These are people who want to be as fit in their fifties and twenties and these people prefer to be able to run a half marathon in their seventies. In this context, it is appropriate to recall the story of the Greek goddess Eos, who asked the god Zeus to immortalize his beloved lover Tithonus. Zeus responded well to the request, but forgot to give his lover a beautiful eternal youth. It so happened that the goddess Eos spent many thousands of years in care and aging services with an elderly man. Naturally, we do not want to get into this, "says Ragnar in a conversation with Jjóhanna Ingvarsdóttir, a journalist from Morgunblaðið.To maintain the glow of youth

The interview also shows that in order to maintain youthful radiance and health, there are three main effects: food, exercise and heredity. "We simply have to take what is involved in genetics because the inheritance has been" messed up "immediately at conception and we can not change anything in that regard," says Ragnar.

"In fact, we would have had to choose our parents diligently before conception in order to influence that aspect of existence. However, both exercise and diet have a lot to say about how we feel about getting angry. It has been shown that exercise and brain exercises produce a higher amount of positive fatty acids in the blood than otherwise, which means in other words that using the body instead of standing still increases its durability," says Ragnarí in an interview with Morgunblaðið.

The interview can be read in its entirety in Morgunblaðið on 3 January.