
What are the environmental impacts of the Icelandic food industry?

Matís, the Icelandic Innovation Center, the University of Iceland and the Confederation of Icelandic Industries will hold an open seminar on the Icelandic food industry, environmental issues and ecological innovation, on Saturday 20 April at 13-17 in Háskólatorg University of Iceland.

The seminar will discuss the green economy and the government's policy in these matters. The European projects Ecotrofoods ( and Converge ( and how to reduce the environmental impact of the food industry in Iceland. There will also be an exhibition and presentation of students' projects in environmentally friendly food innovation and an award will be presented for the best project.

The entire program of the event is as follows:

13.00-15.00 Seminar
13.00-17.00 Exhibition
15.00-16.00 Prize giving in a student competition for ecological food innovation

Seminar agenda:

13.00-13.20 The green economy and Icelandic food production. Skúli Helgason, chairman of the committee for strengthening the green economy in Iceland.

13.20-13.40 Environment and the Icelandic food industry. Bryndís Skúladóttir, director of environmental affairs at the Confederation of Icelandic Industries

13.40-14.00 Value creation and environmental challenges, Sveinn Margeirsson, CEO of Matís

14.00-14.20 Eco-friendly food innovation. Fanney Frisbæk, project manager, Materials, Life, and Energy Technology, Iceland Innovation Center

14.20-14.40 How can food security be ensured in Iceland? Kristín Vala Ragnarsdóttir, Professor at the Faculty of Earth Sciences, University of Iceland

14.40-15.00 Discussion

Moderator:    Guðjón Þorkelsson, Head of Department, Matís and Associate Professor of Food Science at the University of Iceland, who provides further information (858-5044).