
Whitefish in the North Atlantic - ways to differentiate from cheaper fish

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The WhiteFishMall project has just been completed, with the aim of ensuring even further differentiation of North Atlantic catfish from cheaper whitefish species, which are now flowing into our main market areas, in particular the UK market.

Work on the project began in early 2012 and market research has been conducted in the UK among fish consumers, in addition to which interviews and meetings have been held with parties working in this sector in processing, sales and marketing. The attitudes of focus groups made up of typical fish consumers in the UK have been explored towards North Atlantic catfish products and how their experience in shopping, cooking and consumption can be improved.

More information about the WhiteFishMall project can be found at project website but the final report can be found at Nordic Innovation website.

For further information, contact Matís Jónas R. Viðarsson.