
Industrial salt and other salt

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As most people know, there has been a lot of discussion about salt in recent days. Everyone has their own opinion on the so-called "salt issue", but everyone agrees on the importance of healthy, good and harmless food as part of a healthy lifestyle.

Matís wants to put his weight on the scales of a good and informed discussion. In order to emphasize the importance of reliable information and professional work methods in discussions on difficult issues such as these and in light of Matís' role regarding the public health of Icelanders, it should be noted that the company has equipment to measure salt for companies and individuals.

Matís has great ambitions in food research, but it is worth mentioning that Matís runs the largest food laboratory in the country. At Matís, the accreditation of measurement methods is paramount and the company has ambitious plans for even further development of accredited measurement methods. Matís has long aimed at further development of equipment and the company is considering various ways of financing important equipment, for the benefit of all Icelanders.

For further information Helga Gunnlaugsdóttir, director of chemical research and risk assessment at Matís