
Introduction to fish technology - straight from print!

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Matís and Fisktækniskólinn í Grindavík have worked together to create this material, which is now published and has been entitled "Introduction to fish technology", where you will find diverse and useful information about the production of seafood.

The Herring Industry Research Fund supported this publication in collaboration with Matís and Fisktækniskólinn. The material is primarily intended for students in fish technology, but should also be suitable for all those who want to learn about how to produce seafood. It is extremely important to strengthen access to education about food processing, increased demands on the markets require increased knowledge and meticulousness at all levels of the seafood value chain. It is important that all those involved in the procurement and processing of raw materials know how to work to produce safe, high-quality foods for our most valuable markets.

This publication is available on the websites of Matís and Fisktækniskólinn. and