
Learn from Sweden and strengthen the position of Icelandic meat in competition with imports and other foods on the market

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Elin Stenberg, PhD student at the Institute for Animal Environment and Health at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in Skara, will be at Matís for the next six weeks, where she will work with Matís staff and the University of Iceland on research into the effects of slaughtering methods and freezing on lamb quality in Iceland. 

Elin will be involved in all activities; slaughter, measurements and sampling in slaughterhouses, sensory assessment, texture measurements, NMR measurements, statistical results, reporting and articles. In this way, the collaboration with Matís / HÍ and the work in Iceland will be useful and become part of her doctoral project.

Elín's doctoral project is part of Interreg Öresund, Kattegat, Skagerak (European Regional Development Fund), a project funded by 120 million and aimed at better describing the quality of beef and lamb to strengthen its position in competition with imports and other foods on the market. . Elín's travels and stays are funded by the Nordic Network of Meat Science, in which Guðjón Þorkelsson and María Guðjónsdóttir participate (and are funded by NKJ, Nordic Joint Committee for Agricultural and Food Research).

There is a great benefit from this collaboration for meat research in Iceland: 

  • The collaboration supports research on meat in Iceland for the benefit of producers, processing and consumers.
  • Access to expertise and measuring equipment that is lacking in Iceland.
  • Training of new professionals in the field.
  • Easier access to international collaborations to promote and fund research.

Detailed information about Elina and her research project: