
The climate marathon will take place for the second time on 26 October.

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Justine Vanhalst

Project Manager

The climate marathon will take place in Reykjavík on 26 October. This is the second time that the climate marathon has taken place, but Justine Vanhalst, an expert at Matís, had her way with the first marathon that took place in October last year.

Are you interested in climate issues and want to contribute? 
Take part in a 24-hour hack on climate issues on 26 October. 

The Climathon / Climate Marathon is a 24-hour climate innovation challenge held simultaneously in hundreds of cities around the world. You will work hard for 24 hours. to implement new ideas to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and other air pollution. 

The jury then selects the best solutions and awards a prize.

The Climate Marathon is a competition that is open to everyone. People can register as individuals, groups, students, entrepreneurs and anyone who cares about the climate. An electric but relaxed atmosphere, healthy food, inspired workshops, group discussions and sleeping corners and a number of unexpected events await the participants.

More information can be found at Climathon website and at  Justine Vanhalst.