
Smell of fish of different ages - Matís at the Festival of the Sea

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Crowds have made their way to the Festival of the Sea on the central bank in Reykjavík this weekend. There, companies and institutions present their activities and services to guests. Among the things on offer in the middle bank is a so-called sensory assessment at Matís (Matvælarannsóknir Íslands) where guests are given the opportunity to guess the smell from scented glasses and look at different old fish, on the one hand new and then on the other hand a few days old, with regard to freshness, texture and smell.

Sensory evaluation is an essential part of food quality control. In sensory evaluation, the human senses, i.e. visual, olfactory, taste, hearing and touch senses used to assess food quality. Sensory evaluation is not only used in food but also in connection with the development of perfumes, hygiene products and in the automotive industry, for example.


The festival of the sea ends this afternoon, Sunday.

Photo: Guests inspect fish of different ages at Matís' booth at Hátíð hafsins.