
Can I offer you assistance with product development?

Service Category:


Advertised for ideas for innovation in food production. Iceland holds the presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers this year and focuses on innovation in the Nordic bioeconomy in order to strengthen regional economic growth.

Matís will lead innovation and product development projects that will be carried out in this field over the next three years. These are projects that focus on innovation in food production, increased sustainability in food production and increased biomass production.

The first part of the product development projects is now underway and Matís is advertising for ideas from interested parties about product development projects here at home and in neighboring countries. The aim of this first part is to develop food or food-related products, with the aim of having their prototypes available by June 2014.

You can apply for the project on Google Docs to March 13, 2014.

This includes expert assistance in product development of food, assistance with necessary measurements and / or installation of a quality system during production. It is possible to use production facilities in Matís' food factories located in Reykjavík, Höfn and Flúðir. The applicant's own work, raw materials or equipment will not be paid for. Product development is expected to begin in March and be completed by the end of May / beginning of June 2014.

For more information Gunnþórunn Einarsdóttir and Ingunn Jónsdóttir at Matís.