
Measurements of water in fish oil, a new method at Matís

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Fish in fish oil is one of the quality measurements in raw fish oil for the export of fish oil and has been measured at Matís and previously IFL (Rannsóknastofnun fiskiðnaðarins) for more than 40 years. The old measurement was based on distillation with toluene and the measurement took 2-3 hours in total, but toluene is a dizzying substance both dangerous to human health and the environment and therefore a lot of work to get rid of this measurement.

Last year, another method was introduced that is faster and works in a closed system where employees do not have to deal with hazardous substances. This is Karl-Fisher titration with automatic titration (see picture). The measurement takes much less time and is less dangerous for both staff and the environment, in addition to which it is part of the automation of the laboratory. It is possible to recommend much greater accuracy than before and greater sensitivity. It is also possible to measure in liquids other than fish oil with this device and this is usually the case if desired water is not measured in large quantities. The measurement is best suited for measuring water levels from 0.1%-1%.