
Symposium organized by the Confederation of Icelandic Industries 23 November. - Matís participates

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Much innovation has taken place in the production of school meals in recent years, but there are still great opportunities for improvement.

Cooperation between different professions, which are involved in the implementation of school meals in one way or another, can lead to various advances.

The symposium will present legal provisions and official guidelines for school meals, present the results of a project on school meals in the Nordic countries, local government policy, food procurement rules and parents' views. Panel discussions will focus on facilities in school kitchens, the production of meals in central kitchens and education and advice to municipalities and staff in canteens. The symposium invites municipal staff who are responsible for school canteens, school administrators, school kitchen staff, production kitchens and suppliers, parents and other school meal enthusiasts.

Location: Hvammur, Grand Hotel Reykjavík
Time: November 23 at 15-17

15.00 - Sentence - Hólmfríður Þorgeirsdóttir, project manager for nutrition at the Public Health Institute
15.15 - Experience of school meals in the Nordic countries - Ragnheiður Héðinsdóttir, Director of the Food Division of the Confederation of Icelandic Industries
15.30 - Reykjavík's procurement policy and pilot project on district procurement - Ingibjörg H. Halldórsdóttir, project manager for harmonized menus at the City of Reykjavík
15.40 - Tender for school meals and service agreements, requirements for quality and follow-up - Guðmundur Ragnar Ólafsson, Purchasing Manager of Hafnarfjarðarbær
15.50 - Perspectives of parents - Bryndís Haraldsdóttir, Home and school
16.00 - Panel discussion

In addition to speakers:
Jón Axelsson, Director of School Food
Unnsteinn Ó. Hjörleifsson, chef, Árbæjarskóli
Guðrún Adolfsdóttir, consultant, Sýn Research Service
Guðjón Þorkelsson, Director of Innovation and Consumers, Matís
Herdís Guðjónsdóttir, chairman of the Icelandic Food and Nutrition Association
Chairman of the meeting, Atli Rúnar Halldórsson, advisor

17.00 - End of meeting

Admission is free, but participation must be announced by phone 591-0100 or by e-mail