
MARIFUNC seminar in Iceland on 19 March

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On the 19th of March next. at the Hilton-Nordica Hotel, the 2nd MARIFUNC seminar will take place. The organizer of the seminar is Matís.

This is a half-day seminar where the available scientific data on seafood and health, the use and quality of seafood fats and proteins from seafood for the production of functional foods and what consumers' reactions are to seafood target foods will be reviewed. .

Seminar agenda:

What: 2 seminars of the Marifunc project on Seafood and Healthy Materials - What is the state of affairs towards consumers and companies? '
When: 19 March 2009, 8.30 - 12.45
Where: Hilton-Nordica Hotel. Suðurlandsbraut 2, Reykjavík. Meeting room E.

Registration: you need to send an email to The name of the participant, e-mail address and where the participant is from (city / country) must be stated. You can also register on site. Admission is free.
Registration deadline: Tuesday, March 17.

Background of the seminar:
The seminar will cover research on the effects of seafood and seafood ingredients on health. The use and quality of fats and proteins used as ingredients in supplements and target foods will also be discussed. The presentation at the seminar is based on the results of the Nordic Network for Marine Functional Food project (MARIFUNC) under the auspices of the Nordic Innovation Center. The seminar is organized by Matís ohf. ( and the Laboratory of Nutrition (

Schedule (all presentations will be in English): 8.30 Registration and coffee
9.00  Opening and presentation. Sjöfn Sigurgísladóttir, CEO of Matís ohf., Iceland.
9.10  Introducing MARIFUNC. Joop Luten, Coordinator MARIFUNC, Nofima Marine, Norway.
9.25 Seafood and health- What's the news? Alfons Ramel Laboratory of Nutrition, University of Iceland, Landspítali.
10.25 Coffee break
10.45 Challenges in the use of seafood fats in targeted foods and supplements.  Nina Skall Nielsen, DTU Aqua, Denmark
11.30 Fish protein and peptide products - processing methods, quality and processing properties. Guðjón Þorkelsson / Hörður Kristinsson, Matis ohf., Iceland.
12.15 1-2-3-4 Health. Ola Eide, Olivita, Norway.
12.35 Closing of the seminar

Here is an interesting link on the topic of the seminar.

For further information, please contact Guðjón Þorkelsson, Division Manager,