
Matís on the Arctic Circle

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The Arctic Circle conference was held in Harpa last weekend. The conference was the first international event held in Europe since the beginning of the Covid-19 epidemic.

Matís took part in the conference and the participation included panel discussions on the blue economy and mainly discussions on the opportunities inherent in the blue bioeconomy in the Arctic. The panel was organized by the Arctic Economic Council. It was about a conversation about how the business community has come to find solutions to various societal challenges through innovation and value creation.

Participants in the panel were:

  • Bryndís Björnsdóttir from Matís
  • Leslie Canavera from PolArctic
  • Patrick Arnold of the New England Ocean Cluster
  • Mads Qvist Frederiksen from the Economic Council

The discussions that took place were summarized in a drawing that can be seen here: