
Matís at the Food Congress 2023

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The Food Congress will be held in Harpa on Wednesday, November 15, but the circular economy, in the context of the newly approved food policy until 2040, is the main subject of the congress, which is now being held for the second time.

Two representatives from Matís are on the list of speakers Eva Margrét Jónudóttir, project manager and Birgir Örn Smárason, professional director of the professional group sustainability and fire.

Eva Margrét will be one of four participants in a panel discussion entitled Are there solutions hidden in the remains? Utilization of raw materials - nothing thrown away. For example, she will discuss what opportunities there are for increased utilization, which resource flows could be used better, what the situation is today and what the future prospects are. Congress guests will be able to submit questions to be discussed by the panelists.

Birgir Örn will deliver the talk What's for dinner in 2050? – the future of food production. Among other things, he will discuss the food that will be eaten in 2050, the changes that food systems will most likely undergo in the coming decades, and the reasons why food systems need to change.

More information about the event and registration here: Food Congress 2023