
Matís - a bridge between universities and the business community

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Matís collaborates extensively with the University of Iceland, as well as other state-run universities, to ensure good cooperation between the business community and the university community. The company works on development and innovation in the food industry, biotechnology and food safety.

"Within Matís, there are very diverse activities. There are many specialties here that work in both the food industry and biotechnology. There is a strong connection with the business world and the university environment, "says Hörður G. Kristinsson, Matís' research director.

Master's and doctoral studies in food science are offered at the University of Iceland. The program is a collaborative project between Matís and the Faculty of Nutrition at the University of Iceland. There are three courses available, production management, quality management and a biotechnology line. The doctoral program includes scientific and technical research projects that lead to new knowledge and innovation. Great emphasis is placed on publishing research results in peer-reviewed international journals at the end of their doctoral studies.

Emphasis is placed on practical learning, which includes collaboration with companies and institutions in the field of food production. The opportunities are great in Icelandic food production, which is reflected in the demand and job opportunities for education. The program is useful for those who have completed undergraduate studies in food science or other natural sciences such as chemistry, biology and engineering. It is useful for all those who are interested in playing a leading role in the food and biotechnology industry in management, innovation or research.

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