Matís recently held a course at Fisk Seafood on internal control (HACCP, GÁMES).
HACCP ("haccap") is an acronym for Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points has been expelled as Analysis of hazardous factors of important control positions.
The main goal of internal control is to ensure the safety, quality and hygiene of food. Internal control is an essential part of the management system of any food production or distribution company. This systematically simplifies all work processes and prevents accidents that can impair the quality, safety and hygiene of food, whether in the distribution or production process. With an active HACCP monitoring system, the places that are most important for production or distribution are defined, as well as the necessary monitoring and the correct response to deviations are defined. It can be said that an internal control system is a kind of extension of good manufacturing practice (GFH or GMP good manufacturing practice), which is the responsibility of each manufacturer to follow. That is, the system is based on the registration of various measurable variables that occur in the production process (cf. temperature, etc.). Registrations provide information that is then used for career management.
The course was very successful and thanks Matís Fisk Seafood for the interest.
Further information about the course and other courses offered by Matís can be found here and by contacting Margeir Gissurarson.