
Education is power

Service Category:


Recently, a course that Matís held with others at Höfn in Hornafjörður ended. The design of the course was done in collaboration with Þekkingarnet, Skinneyjar-Þinganes and FAS (Framhaldsskólinn í Austur-Skaftafellssýsla).

Teaching was usually twice a week in the Skinney-Þinganes building, which was specially equipped as a classroom. The aim of the course was, among other things, to increase staff's knowledge of marine catch processing, strengthen self-confidence and increase their professional skills. Course components included cooperation and team spirit, management, quality in fish processing, food safety and occupational safety.

For further information, please contact Margeir Gissurarson, margeir.gissurarson (at)

Information about courses offered by Matís can be found here.