
Great recognition to get the World Seafood Congress to Iceland

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It is a great opportunity for the Icelandic fishing industry to have this conference in Iceland, to present what it stands for. There are many people abroad who envy Iceland because of how well we have managed to manage and utilize the marine resources, "says Steinar B. Aðalbjörnsson, director of communication and marketing at Matís.

The World Seafood Congress (WSC) conference will be held in Harpa 11-13. september nk. but according to Steinar, the WSC is one of the world's largest forums on value creation and food security in the fisheries sector. The conference is held every other year and is attended by employees of fishing and fish processing, investors and people from the institutional and educational environment around the world. Steinar says that it is very popular to hold the conference, which was last in the UK and before that in Canada. "It is a great recognition to have the conference in Iceland, but Iceland is the first Nordic country to hold it." on professional aspects of food safety and control related to food production in the fisheries sector, not least in developing countries.

The blue bioeconomy

The conference is from Monday until noon on Wednesday, when the Icelandic Fisheries Exhibition begins in Kópavogur. The title of the conference this time is "Growth in the Blue Bioeconomy". The bioeconomy covers all organic and renewable resources and the blue bioeconomy refers to what thrives in oceans and lakes. "We want to draw attention to the fact that everything we do affects our organic resources. When we talk about the fishing industry, we are not only talking about the fish in the sea, but also the algae that the fish thrive on, the energy used to sail the fishing grounds, how well we handle the raw material we catch, and everything else that has an effect. and is related to life in the ocean. "

Food Safety

Steinar says the agenda of the conference is decided by a scientific council composed of representatives of IAFI and Matís. IAFI's emphasis on food safety and food control and the attitudes of Matís scientists, which deviates more emphasis on business and corporate projects and financing, weigh heavily.

"Although the conference itself will not start until Monday 11 September, various groups will come here immediately on Saturday to meet over the weekend." including where fishery-related food production has not reached as far as in the West. Among other things, food safety, control and related aspects that aim to promote an adequate food supply and safe food will be discussed.

Technological revolution

On the second day, the focus of the conference will shift to a technological revolution, financing and business operations, where food production in the fisheries sector will be seen as a business opportunity. Steinar mentions as an example that a lot has been done to increase food production in North and Central Africa and make it safer. When this happens, it is considered to create interesting opportunities for infrastructure development and funding for it is obtained from international financial institutions, whether it is the World Bank or the United Nations.

The last day of the conference, Wednesday, will have a slightly different format. The coverage will only take place until noon, as the Fisheries Exhibition will begin in Kópavogur. On this last day of the conference, a lot will be done when the main innovations and technological revolutions that have taken place in the last few months in food production will be presented, with special emphasis on the fishing industry. Among others, there will be a representative from Gfresh, an online marketplace for seafood worldwide, along with Lynette Kucsma, who designed one of the first 3D food printers, but she has been chosen by the television giant CNN as one of the seven technology pioneers we should watch. In addition, John Bell, from the European Commission, will discuss how technological revolutions are affecting the European fisheries sector. More interesting speakers will also be available and the President of Iceland, Guðni Th. Jóhannesson, will then close the conference.