
Muscle necrosis in lobster can be reduced, thereby increasing its value

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The collaborative project Minimization of myocardial infarction in lobster with enzyme inhibition and subcooling has been completed, which was supported by the AVS Fisheries Research Fund (R 052-10). The research project was carried out in collaboration with Skinney Þinganes, Ramm, Vinnslustöðin and Matís.

The results of the project are available in Matís Report 25-11. Among the results of the project were procedural guidelines regarding subcooling and enzyme handling of lobster practices that have strengthened the foundations of lobster fishing in Iceland and thus lobster processing in Iceland. Before embarking on the project, it was found that less than a third and even up to half of the catch, in individual specific cases, had symptoms of myocardial infarction. At the beginning of the project, it was estimated that due to myocardial infarction, the value of lobster products was 10% lower than otherwise. It is the participants' opinion that the new procedure has halved myocardial infarction and there is therefore a likelihood that improved procedures will result in a 5% increase in the value of lobster products, based on the assumptions of the project at the beginning.

Participants stated that without AVS support, the project would not have improved the competitive position of Icelandic lobster processing.

For further information Arnljótur Bjarki Bergsson, Head of Resources and Products.