
More detailed instructions with the web application

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Development of the web application "What's in the food -” is not finished, but due to the wishes of many parties, it is already made available on the web.

You can use the program to view the chemical content of food and make various calculations. These instructions should make it easier for people to use the program.

General items

  1. The Java application is required to be on a user's computer.
  2. To the left of the screen is a list of foods from the ÍSGEM database in alphabetical order. You can select individual food categories from the list by clicking on the drop-down list above it.
  3. The following options appear at the bottom of the screen: (1) Feed. (2) Nutrients. (3) Composition. (4) Recipes. The last two options still have limited functionality: (5) Me and friends. (6) Meals.  
  4. The search at the top of the screen is not active.

Need to find the chemical content of food?

  1. Click on FOOD at the bottom of the screen. Then on the right side of the screen you will find a table showing the chemical content of food. The content is stated for 100g of edible part of the food. On the other hand, if you add nutrients to a recipe or meal, the results are added to the bottom of the table and apply to the total amount of recipe or meal.
  2. Note that you need to use the list on the left to select (click on) the type of food you want to view. The lists on the left and right are together even though they are separated by a line and the blue cross is only in the list on the left.
  3. All foods can be sorted by increasing or decreasing the amount of one ingredient. Then click on the box under the name of the topic on the right.
  4. If you select NUTRIENTS at the bottom of the screen, you will get a list of nutrients in one food type. Remember to have the correct food choices in the list on the left. It is offered here that the program downloads a picture of the food in question, but this possibility is not advanced. The column to the right lists the desired amount, but keep in mind that this information may be incorrect if you are not defined in the correct group by age and gender.
  5. If you select COMPOSITION at the bottom of the screen, you can view a graphical representation of the nutrients. However, do not use the image that shows the energy distribution because the calculations are incorrect.

Need to calculate the amount of nutrients in a recipe?

  1. By pressing + in the center field, you create a new recipe. Click on the line for the new recipe to name it.
  2. Select the ingredients in the recipe from the list on the left and drag it to the box on the far right.
  3. You change the quantity of the raw material by clicking on the appropriate line under QUANTITY. In some cases, the dose can be selected under UNIT.
  4. The calculations happen as soon as you add new ingredients and state their quantity. The new recipe is added to the bottom of the list on the left. If you sort the list, the recipes are included. You need to select DIET or NUTRIENT to view the results. You view them as described above. The results are the amount of nutrients in the whole recipe or meal and not 100g as is the case for the foods (ingredients) in the list.
  5. You can copy the results to an Excel document. Then choose NUTRITION. Mark all the boxes you want to copy. You can copy with Ctrl-C and insert into an Excel document with Ctrl-V.

Do you need to calculate the amount of nutrients in a meal or meals for one day or several days?

  1. While the program is not advanced, the easiest way is to use the RECIPES option to calculate the amount of nutrients in a meal or daily intake.

For further information Ólafur Reykdal.