
The pleasures of the north - shows start tonight on RÚV

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The TV series "Nautnir norðursins" will be shown on Ríkissjónvarpi tonight at 20:05. Matís has worked on the series in collaboration with Sagafilm. The aim of the shows is to give a positive image of food culture and strengthen food-related tourism in Iceland, Greenland, the Faroe Islands and Norway.

The episodes will cover ancient and traditional eating habits in Iceland, Greenland, the Faroe Islands and Norway. Chefs from each country will also showcase innovations they serve from local ingredients. It is hoped that the factors will spark the public's and producers' interest in continuing to experiment with the utilization of raw materials in an innovative way, as well as the utilization of raw materials and by-products that have not been utilized to date.

Nordic cuisine has attracted considerable attention in recent years and food-related tourism has increased, not least because of the strong connection with tradition when consuming local food. The popularity of the new Nordic food tradition has proven itself in the international cooking competition Bocuse d'Or, where the Nordic nations have been at the top since 2008. Furthermore, a very interesting and well-attended conference was held in Selfoss on 25 June. where 30 new products from Greenland, the Faroe Islands and Iceland were introduced. The conference was part of the Icelandic Presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers this year. More about the project can be found on Nordtic's website.

This great interest in the Nordic food tradition gives producers the opportunity to promote their products outside their home country, thereby strengthening the country's food image abroad. Nations such as Japan, Italy, France and Spain have created a particularly positive image of their food culture, which has at the same time strengthened food exports and made the countries a popular tourist destination. The promotion of food from Iceland, Norway, Greenland and the Faroe Islands could contribute to a multifaceted increase in value in both the tourism and food industries.

The episodes will feature wild game, seafood, seaweed, herbs, etc. local raw materials making returns. Ancient storage methods and how they can be used as well as the raw material in an innovative way will also be discussed.

A total of 8 episodes were performed, two dedicated to each country. The shows will be shown in Norway, Finland and the Faroe Islands, more countries have already shown interest in the shows and further distribution can therefore be expected.

For further information Gunnþórunn Einarsdóttir at Matís.

The show's Facebook page