
Conclusions and recommendations of the Mussel Committee - the report in English

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On December 7, 2007, the Minister of Fisheries appointed a committee to examine the status and possibilities of mussel farming in Iceland. The letter of appointment to the committee stated the following:

On December 7, 2007, the Minister of Fisheries appointed a committee to examine the status and possibilities of mussel farming in Iceland. The letter of appointment to the committee stated the following:

The Minister of Fisheries has decided to appoint a committee to examine the situation and possibilities for mussel farming in Iceland with regard to both the biological and operational preconditions of the sector and environmental factors. The committee is intended to submit a report to the Minister and also make proposals for the measures that could be taken by the public sector to strengthen the general growth assumptions of the industry ".

The committee consisted of: Haukur Oddsson engineer, managing director of Borgun hf. (chairman), Ásta Ásmundsdóttir project manager at Matís ohf., Guðrún Þórarinsdóttir specialist at the Marine Research Institute, Jón Páll Baldvinsson from Skelrækt - an association of mussel breeders and Kristinn Hugason department manager, the Ministry of Fisheries and Agriculture.

This report is now available in English and a copy is available for download here.