
A Nordic conference on consumers and sensory evaluation will be held in Denmark on 5 and 6 October 2011

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A Nordic conference on sensory evaluation, held in Iceland in May 2010, will be held in Denmark this time. The conference is primarily intended for professionals and scientists who work with sensory evaluation and consumers, in product development and marketing of consumer products.

The Nordic Workshop in Sensory Science - focus on sensory professionalism
The topic of the conference is professionalism, innovations in the field of sensory evaluation and the use of sensory evaluation in the food industry. Among other things, it will discuss how sensory properties affect the experience, how consumers' choices can be predicted, the use of different rating scales in sensory evaluation and consumer research, processing and new rapid sensory evaluation methods.

Aðalheiður Ólafsdóttir, Matís 'director of sensory evaluation, will give a talk on training people in sensory evaluation, and Emilía Martinsdóttir, Matís' professional director, will be on the conference's preparation and science committee.

More information about the conference can be found on the website Registration takes place until September 1 on the aforementioned website.

Leaflet about the conference is here.