
The Nordic Innovation Center - Fisheries Innovation, Parts 2 and 3

Service Category:


The Nordic Innovation Center on behalf of the Nordic partners in the project "Innovation in the Nordic marine sector" is advertising for project applications in Parts 2 and 3 of the program.

Part 2
Tasks in Part 2 shall contribute to:
1. New and innovative recruitment processes,
2. New and innovative solutions to improve and increase safety in the work environment,
3. Coordination and increased transparency for seafood and related services in the Nordic market.

Examples of participants in the project group are: Nordic fisheries companies, fisheries service providers (who sell technology, services and / or knowledge), industry associations, innovation and research institutes, public bodies, both regional and national, and companies with marketing expertise and public relations.

The total amount available in this part is NOK 6 million. The application deadline is August 8, 2011.Further information can be found here: By Sigríður Þormóðsdóttir,

Part 3
This application call emphasizes the methodology of user-driven innovation and collaboration between companies, companies and researchers and companies and users / consumers.

Tasks in Part 3 shall contribute to at least one of the three components:
1. Sustainability in the fisheries sector,
2. Higher quality of seafood and raw materials
3. Variety of seafood and products.

Examples of participants in the project group are: Nordic fisheries companies, fisheries service providers (who sell technology, services and / or knowledge), industry associations, innovation and research institutes, public bodies, both regional and national, and other parties with expertise in the field .

The total amount available in this part is NOK 24 million. The application deadline is August 8, 2011.

Further information can be found here: By Sigríður Þormóðsdóttir,