
Nordic co-operation on fishmeal and fish oil

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In view of the growing global need for protein, there has been a great need for increased knowledge of the quality properties of fishmeal and animal feed in order to increase the value of these products. In mid-November, a workshop was held in connection with Nordic production of fishmeal and fish oil in Copenhagen.

The workshop had 75 participants and came from all over Europe. The group consisted of scientists, producers, retailers and customers who participated in five work sessions where specific aspects of production were examined separately.

The Nordic countries have recently joined forces and set up a so-called Nordic Quality Council for Fishmeal and Oil, e. Nordic Center of Excellence in Fishmeal and Oil which aims to strengthen Nordic co-operation and increase knowledge of the quality characteristics of fishmeal and fish oil. The intention is to bring Nordic fishmeal production and fish oil to the forefront, thus ensuring the supply of safe and quality fishmeal and fish oil for feed and food production.

The Nordic Center of Excellence Network organized and EUfishmeal hosted the event and Matís took an active part in the event.