
Use of reference substances in chemical analysis - Course organized by the Nordic Food Research Committee 25 May 2011

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Course organized by the Nordic Food Research Committee on 26 May 2011.

The course is intended for employees in laboratories, quality managers and all those who purchase chemical analysis services. Reference substances are used in all types of chemical analyzes and the methodology for their use is the same regardless of the subject at each time.

Advisor: Lars Jorhem, National Food Administration, Uppsala, Sweden. He will travel all over the Nordic countries and hold the course. In Iceland, the course will be held in English.

Place and date:    Thursday 26 May 2011 at the Iceland Innovation Center (eastern house)
Timing:                    10:00 - 16:00 (registration from 09.30)

The course will cover the following topics:

  • Reference Materials (RMs) versus Certified Reference Materials (CRMs): What is the difference?
  • ISO Guides and CRMs, EU legislation, CODEX requirements
  • Interlaboratory studies: Differences and similarities between certification, validation and proficiency testing
  • How are CRMs made?
  • Recovery and bias: Relation to CRMs
  • Selection, use and misuse of CRMs
  • Estimation of bias using NMKL Procedure No. 9 (2007)
  • A short introduction to measurement uncertainty
  • Where to find CRMs and PT programs?

Registration is done through the Nordic Food Research Committee and requested to be sent to the e-mail address: for Tuesday, May 10th. The course costs 2000 NOK and the amount is paid directly to the Nordic Food Research Commission. Included in course fee: Lunch, coffee and course materials.

Contact person for the course in Iceland is Guðjón Atli Auðunsson, e-mail: