
A new food award that wins the Nordic kitchen

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Embla's new Nordic food award beats the best in Nordic cuisine: ingredients, food, production methods and the people behind it all. The aim of the prizes is to share knowledge and experience and raise awareness of Nordic food.

On 14 March, the Nordic Farmers 'Association, united under the auspices of the Nordic Farmers' Association (NBC), will launch the first pan-Nordic food prize. The new prize has been named Embla, but according to Nordic mythology, the first woman bore that name.

Embla is intended to promote the pan-Nordic food culture and its characteristics, as well as to increase interest in Nordic food outside the Nordic countries. The prize is supported by the Nordic Council of Ministers, but the Icelandic Farmers' Association manages Iceland's participation in the competition.

"We have so much good in the Nordic countries. Tasty ingredients and powerful innovation among professionals in the food industry. We all benefit from sharing these stories with each other, "says Andreas Buchhave, consultant at the Danish farmers' association Landbrug & Fødevarer and project manager of the new Nordic Food Awards.

"It is a great strength for Embla, the image of the awards and their goals, that they are led by an organization with a broad appeal to Nordic food," says Mads Frederik Fischer-Møller, Adviser at the Nordic Council of Ministers.

Embla will be delivered every other year, for the first time in Copenhagen in August 2017 offered by Landbrug & Fødevarer. At the ceremony, it will be announced where Embla will be delivered next, in 2019.

The award ceremony will take place in collaboration with the Danish Ministry of the Environment and Food's conference, "Better Food for More People" at the Copenhagen Cooking Food Festival.

"In this way, there will be a synergy effect as Embla supports a national event and at the same time benefits from the attention it receives as the emphasis is on food," says Jan Laustsen, CEO of Landbrug & Fødevarer.

Embla is divided into seven categories, with one nominated from each of the Nordic countries. A three-member jury will come from each country that selects competitors and there will also be a joint jury that will decide which of the nominees will win the prize.  

Embla's award categories are seven in number

The website accepts nominations in seven categories which are:

  • Nordic Food Craftsman 2017
  • Nordic raw material producer 2017
  • Nordic Award for Food for Many 2017
  • Nordic food journalist 2017
  • Nordic food destination 2017
  • Nordic Food Entrepreneur 2017
  • Nordic Prize for Food for Children and Young People 2017.

You can register participants in Embla from March 14 to April 17, 2017. Registration forms for the seven categories can be found at , but there you can also learn more about the prizes and their origins.

For further information, contact Tjörvi Bjarnason, Head of Publishing & Promotion at the Icelandic Farmers' Association, at and by phone 862-3412.

On the website you can find footage for the media: