
New CFO at Matís

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A new CFO started working at Matís at the end of last month, Sigríður Hrönn Theódórsdóttir, and she took over the job from Aðalbjörg Halldórsdóttir. Sigríður is a business economist from Fachhochschule Munchen, and has extensive experience in the business world.

As stated earlier, Sigríður has extensive experience in the business world and it can be mentioned that she worked for Nýsir hf. as managing director of Artes, Café Konditori Copenhagen and also as operations manager of Heilsugæslan in Salahverfi. Previously, she worked as a project manager at Brú Venture Capital and at Nýsköpunarsjóður atvinnulífsins.

Sigríður has traveled widely and spent long periods abroad, she lived in Munich for 13 years, where she studied and worked, where she worked for the large companies Allianz and Siemens Nixdorf.

She has also traveled to many exotic destinations such as Brazil, Zimbabwe, Botswana, South Africa, the Philippines, Thailand, Egypt to name a few.