
New project at Matís - seaweed that improves feed for dairy cows

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Ásta Heiðrún E. Pétursdóttir

Project Manager

A new project has just started at Matís. The project is called "Seaweed that improves feed for dairy cows“And the goal of the project is threefold; firstly, to increase the usefulness of dairy cows and to examine the quality and chemical content of cow's milk after seaweed feeding, secondly, to use seaweed as a mineral source in feed and thirdly, to obtain iodine-rich milk from cows.

The study will examine the effect of seaweed administration on the benefit of cows and the content of milk. At the beginning of the feeding experiment, the usefulness and ingredients of milk will be monitored for comparison with measurements made before seaweed meal was given.

The project is carried out in collaboration between Matís and the experimental farm at Stóra-Ármót and the seaweed comes from Þörungaverksmiðjan Reykhólar.

The project manager is Ásta Heiðrún Pétursdóttir, in addition to her from Matís Helga Gunnlaugsdóttir and the chemistry staff are involved in the project

The project began on March 1. and therefore ends on 31 December 2018 and is funded by the Agricultural Productivity Fund.