
Ofred JM Mhongole is defending his master's thesis

Master's graduate student Ofred, JM Mhongole from Tanzania, a former student at the United Nations University of Fisheries (UNU) has now completed his master's project and will defend his dissertation at 14 on Tuesday 26 May at Skúlagata 4.

Guðjón Þorkelsson from Matís will present and manage the defense.

Ofred's Master's student, JM Mhongole from Tanzania, a former student at the United Nations Fisheries University (UNU), has now completed his project in this field.

Supervisor was: Franklin Georgsson

The project “Microbiology and Spoilage Trail in Nile perch ( Lates niloticus) "Lake Victoria, Tanzania" was worked on at the Fisheries Inspectorate's laboratory in Tanzania and at Matís. The project was funded by the United Nations Fisheries University (UNU) and by the National Fish Quality Control Laboratory (NFQCL) -Nyegezi "in Tanzania.

The main objectives of the project were to study the natural microflora of Nile perch and the shelf life of raw fish and processed fish fillets under ideal laboratory conditions and under normal processing conditions in four fish processing companies on Lake Victoria in Tanzania.

Nile perch is a very important commercial fish for the countries that have fishing rights in Lake Victoria and is important for the export income of these countries. The fish is mostly exported in fresh or frozen fillets. Most exports are to EU countries and fresh fillets are exported by air. As limited studies have been performed on the microbial condition and shelf life of Nile perch, the aim of the study was to obtain basic information on the microbiological factors that most affect the shelf life. Specific culture methods were used to investigate which microbial groups had the greatest effect on the spoilage process, in addition to which certain chemical measurements and sensory assessments were used to assess the freshness of the product. The results can then be important in evaluating the success of new processing and transport methods in the production and distribution of Nile perch.