
Our business - everyone benefits!

Service Category:


Matís is advertising for a project manager in the field of aquaculture at the company's office in Ísafjörður. An advertisement to that effect appears in MorgunblaðiðFréttablaðið and The best in town in Ísafjörður.

SScope: To strengthen Matís' operations in the field of aquaculture and develop new employment opportunities.

The job includes:

  • Development of farming techniques
  • Design and development of processing processes
  • Strengthening projects at Matís in the Westfjords in connection with the business community

Qualification requirements:

  • University education in natural sciences such as engineering or technology; further education is an advantage
  • Initiative and independence in working methods
  • Agility in human relations
  • Ambition to succeed at work

Applications with information about education and work experience, as well as recommendations, should be sent to Matís ohf., Borgartún 21, 105 Reykjavík, or to the email address employment ()

The application deadline is December 23rd. The person in question must be able to start work in January 2009.

Further information about the projects is provided by Jón H. Arnarson, Human Resources Manager,, and by phone 422-5000.