
Matís open meeting in Neskaupstaður Mon. 26.

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On Monday 26 May, Matís will hold an open introductory meeting at Verkmenntaskóli Austurlands in Neskaupstaður under the title Opportunities in the fisheries and food industry in East Iceland.

Among the speakers at the meeting are Sjöfn Sigurgísladóttir, CEO of Matís, Helga Jónsdóttir, Mayor of Fjarðarbyggð, along with some experts from Matís. Björk Sigurgeirsdóttir, who is the project manager of Þróunarfélag Austurlands and also the managing director of the East Iceland Growth Agreement, will also speak at the meeting.

The meeting will, as previously stated, be held at Verkmenntaskóli Austurlands at Mýrargata 10, Neskaupstaður, in room 1. The meeting is open to everyone and interested parties are encouraged to attend.

Anna K. Daníelsdóttir and Kristinn Ólafsson: Slides - Genotyping