
Conference on small boat fishing in the North Atlantic

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A conference on small boat fishing in the North Atlantic will be held at Matís' headquarters at Vínlandsleið 12 in Reykjavík on March 25-26.

You can follow the conference by visiting the following URL:

Small boat fishing and sea settlements in many parts of the North Atlantic are currently lagging behind. Difficult operating conditions, low recruitment, high start-up costs, strong competition from other industries and fishing groups, as well as negative rural development are among the factors that make this fishing group difficult to navigate. Nevertheless, there are also many in this sector doing very good things, as people have managed to adapt to new operating conditions and see new opportunities.

Researchers and other stakeholders related to the small boat sector in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, the Faroe Islands, Iceland, Greenland and Newfoundland have in recent months been studying the operating conditions, main problems and potential opportunities within the industry in their countries. These parties are now going to hold a conference in Reykjavík 25-26. March where the status of small boat companies in each of these countries will be reviewed, as well as a comparison will be made of their operating environment. The National Association of Small Boat Owners in each of the aforementioned countries will hold a presentation, experts in the field of marketing of small boat fish will present their research, sellers of various solutions for the small boat sector will present their products, parties offering small boat fishing for tourists will present their activities and much more.

Participation is free and open to all.

Treatment of fish

More information can be found on the Coastal Fisheries website,

You can register for the conference by sending an e-mail to Jónas R. Viðarsson,