
THE PREVENTION AND LIFESTYLE Conference 13 and 14 November

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A very interesting conference will take place at the Grand Hotel. Friday and Saturday, November 13 and 14. Many of Matís' employees are involved and deliver interesting presentations and / or chair meetings. The program can be accessed at the bottom of the page.

Conference for professionals and the general public.
13.-14. November 2009

PART 1 DISEASES: 9.00-12.30
Moderator: Inga Þórsdóttir.
09.00-09.10 The conference is set.
09.10-09.35 Obesity in children. Erlingur Jóhannsson.
09.35-10.00 Obesity in adults & diabetes. Gunnar Sigurðsson.
10.00-10.25 Cardiovascular disease. Thor Aspelund.
10.25-10.40 Coffee break
10.40-11.05 Dementia. Björn Einarsson.
11.05-11.30 Cancer. Jón Gunnlaugur Jónasson.
11.30-11.55 Digestive diseases. Bjarni Þjóðleifsson.
11.55-12.20 Musculoskeletal problems & bone protection. Björn Guðbjörnsson.

12.20-13.00 Matarhlé

PART 2 RISK FACTORS: 13.30-16.30
Moderator: Halla Skúladóttir. 
13.00-14.00 Heart Disease and Nitric Oxide. Louis Ignarro.
14.00-14.25 Industry. Jón Óttar Ragnarsson.
14.25-14.50 Movement. Janus Guðlaugsson.
14.50-15.15 Smoking & lung diseases. Þórarinn Gíslason.
15.15-15.25 Coffee break
15.25-15.50 Lifestyle. Þórólfur Þórlindsson.
15.50-16.15 Side effects of medicines. Magnús Karl Magnússon.
16.15-16.40 Mental Disorders & Prevention. Högni Óskarsson
16.40-17.05 Dental diseases & prevention. Sigfús Þór Elíasson.


PART 3 SYSTEMS: 10.00-12.30

Seminar A The Icelandic Chemical Environment
Moderator: Dóra Guðrún Guðmundsdóttir.

a. The diet of Icelanders. Inga Þórsdóttir. 
b. Trace minerals in Icelandic soil & food. Laufey Steingrimsdottir.
c. Chemical content of Icelandic food. Ólafur Reykdal.
d. Food control in Iceland today. Jón Gíslason.
e. Toxins in the Icelandic environment & food. Helga Gunnlaugsdóttir.
f. Antibiotics & hormonal drugs in Icelandic food. Sigurður Örn Hansson.

Seminar B Production & development in Iceland
Moderator: Sjöfn Sigurgísladóttir

a. Biochemical processing & health materials from the Icelandic ecosystem. Hörður G. Kristinsson.
b. Medicines from the Icelandic ecosystem. Elín Soffía Ólafsdóttir?
c. Genetically modified foods, pros & cons - Einar Mäntylä.
d. Agriculture & horticulture. Magnús Á. Ágústsson.
e. Aquaculture & omega-3. Jón Árnason.
f. Iceland as a health paradise. Grímur Sæmundsen.

12.30-13.00 Matarhlé

PART 4 POLICY: 13.00-14.30
Moderator: Sigurður Guðmundsson.
13.00-13.30 Changed emphases in the health system. Vilmundur Guðnason.
13.30-14.00 New & healthier Iceland. Þorgrímur Þráinsson.
14.00-14.30 Future challenge. Sigmundur Guðbjarnarson.

14.30-14.45 Coffee break.

All original speakers are responsible for the answers together with the following parties:
Lúðvíg Guðmundsson & Hjörtur Gíslason: Dieting measures
Karl Andersen: Preventive measures for heart disease.
Tómas Geirsson tries. Obesity during pregnancy.
Unnur Valdimarsdottir. Cancer & environment.