
Research on Icelandic mackerel attracts attention - coverage in foreign professional journals

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In recent months, Matís, in collaboration with the country's main fisheries companies, has been conducting extensive research on mackerel. This research collaboration has revolved around extensive research into the physical and material properties of mackerel, which have included fishing, time of year, handling, processing, freezing technology, storage and transport.

Emphasis was placed on researching mackerel regularly throughout the fishing year, especially when it is most vulnerable. The results of these studies have resulted in increased value and utilization of mackerel products. The effects of different raw material qualities on finished products, such as canned and hot-smoked mackerel, have also been studied.

The results of Icelandic mackerel research have generated considerable publicity, but this spring three scientific articles have been published by reputable foreign professional journals (International Journal of Food Science and TechnologyJournal of Food Composition and AnalysisLWT - Food Science and Technology).

Recently, three large collaborative research projects were completed and enormous knowledge and skills have been created during these years. There is no end to mackerel research, however, but there are new projects and new challenges in the pipeline that will be worked on systematically in the coming months.

Participants in the projects were Síldarvinnslan, HB Grandi, Ísfélagið í Vestmannaeyjar, Skinney Þinganes, Samherji and other companies involved in this work were Brim, HG Hnífsdal, Eskja, VSV, IceThor, Skaginn, Frost and IceCan. The participants of the projects would like to thank the AVS Fisheries Research Fund for their support of this mackerel research.

For further information dr. Magnea Guðrún Karlsdóttir at Matís.